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Saturday 16th August

In the morning we were fortunate enough to get a lift from a young man all the way to St. Niklaas, via Ghent.  We then walked on to Temse, where we were greeted by Uncle Hubert, Aunt Joan, Martha, Claudine and Edmond.  Martha and Edmond showed us over the school at which Martha taught and Hubert is Headmaster.  We then all strolled down the river to see the new bridge over the River Scheldt.

We had an excellent lunch! The afternoon was spent quietly, and evening spent playing cards with Martha, Claudine and Maurice, and also chess with Edmond.

Friday 15th August

Our plane left Southend about half an hour late and we arrived in Calais about 11am.
We managed to get two lifts in France, one which took us right across the Belgium frontier, via Dunkirk.
We witnessed a carnival procession in Veuve, and then managed to push on to just beyond Dirsmuide, where we pitched tent for the night.
During one spell walking we knocked at a roadside home for water for our bottles; we were invited in by the husband and given a cup of coffee each, whilst our two water bottles were filled with hot black coffee.
The night in the tent was most uncomfortable and cold, as it rained and blew considerably.

Thursday 14th August

We left Maurice’s home at Bournemouth to the strain of Harry Lauders – “Keep Right on to the End of the Road” from the radio.